Leadership Development at Cherith

Camp Cherith offers leadership training for both girls and boys.  The program for girls is called CILT (Campers in Leadership Training) and for boys it is called BUILT (Boys Under Intense Leadership Training).

Both are two-year programs for campers who’ve completed tenth grade and want to develop leadership skills with an emphasis on spiritual growth. It is an intensive commitment, including the planning and implementation of various camp activities, reading and teaching assignments, and finally a week of actual counseling experience on site. It gives participants the tools necessary to serve as an effective staff member at Camp Cherith.

CILT requires two weeks at camp during each of the two summers. BUILT requires one week at camp during each of the two summers. See camp details for dates.  Outside the camping season, the participants meet as a group with their respective CILT or BUILT coordinator(s) and mentor(s) for instruction sessions. Interested candidates should select CILT or BUILT when registering.


Note for CILTs: CILTS typically arrive a day early to camp before their first week of CILT. They also typically attend Mother Daughter weekend, which is typically the second weekend in September. If a CILT is unable to be at camp on these days, she should let her CILT leader know up front before the CILT program begins so that other arrangements can be made to complete the work and lessons that will be done at these times.

CILT (for girls) Leadership Programs


The Campers in Leadership Training (CILT) program provides a unique educational and practical challenge for high school age campers with leadership potential.  Participants will have opportunities to increase their skills and abilities, deepen their knowledge and service in their churches, camps, and communities.

The course is a two-step program.  CILT I and CILT II usually consist of two weeks at camp during each of two consecutive summers, plus assignments to complete during the school year between summers.  CILTs spend a minimum of one activity class period per day at camp covering lesson material led by the CILT instructor or other assigned staff member. Reading assignments are completed prior to each class, preparing CILTs for the lesson content, discussion, related activities, and application.

Under adult supervision, CILTs gain practical experience by working with younger campers–leading songfest, games, Bible studies, and evening programs; helping with cookouts; teaching camp skills; and assisting in camp functions.

CILTs also choose camp activity skills as specialties, progressing through achievements to high levels of proficiency, which often include certification from national organizations.  CILTs learn to demonstrate and teach their specialty skills to younger campers.


Minimum requirements are determined by Camp Cherith in order to maintain consistent standards within the network of camps.  The guidelines are as follows:

  • The CILT program must take at least two summers to complete both CILT I and CILT II.

A CILT must:

1. Complete all lesson assignments given by the CILT instructor.
2. Develop a comprehensive resource file
3. Complete activity specialty requirements.
4. Complete a live-in counseling experience for at least 24 hours during CILT II.
5. Be evaluated after completing CILT I before being accepted into the CILT II program.

A participant must meet the following qualifications:

1. Must be 16 years old or have finished 10th grade.
2. Must have completed at least one week as a Cherith camper.  (Exception: special recommendation to camp director.)
3. Must display the following traits:

– Vital Christian testimony
– Leadership ability
– Willingness to learn
– Cooperation
– Dependability
– Responsibility

4. Must be interested in working with children.
5. Must receive recommendation from Youth Pastor or Director of Christian Education and another adult who has observed the application in a position of leadership.

Don’t forget to register for the two weeks of camp labeled as CILT I for your first year and labeled as CILT II if you are entering your second year of CILT.

You will fill out a CILT application as a part of your registration process. Please fill out the application a minimum of two weeks before arriving at camp. Send the link to this page to two individuals who have agreed to be a reference for you and direct them to fill out the appropriate reference form:

Note: Please don’t click on the links unless you are the person filling it out. Camp gets a copy of the form every time someone clicks on it and then that form has to be deleted.

Personal ReferencePastoral Reference.


BUILT (for boys) Leadership Programs


The BUILT (Boys Under Intense Leadership Training) provides a unique educational and practical challenge for high school aged campers wishing to develop their leadership skills..  The outcome/goal of the program is to continue to pour into these kids and prepare them to be leaders at camp (counselors/staff) and leaders in life (youth groups, school, work, etc.).  The “Intense” portion is salvation and discipleship. Since these boys are older, we desire to ensure they are secure in their salvation and not only know what means to be a disciple (follower of Jesus) but are actually doing it.  

BUILT is a 2 year leadership training program that starts the summer after a camper’s sophomore year of high school and continues through the year to be completed the summer following their junior year of high school.  

BUILTs gain practical experience by working with younger campers–leading games,and  Bible studies; teaching camp skills; and assisting in camp functions.

BUILTs also choose camp activity skills as specialties, progressing through achievements to high levels of proficiency, which often include certification from national organizations.  BUILTs learn to demonstrate and teach their specialty skills to younger campers.

You will fill out a BUILT application form and send reference forms to a pastoral and a personal (no family members) reference as a part of your registration process. Please fill out the application form at least two weeks before you arrive at camp.


Minimum requirements are determined by Camp Cherith in order to maintain consistent standards within the network of camps.  The guidelines are as follows:

  • The BUILT program must take at least two summers to complete BUILT I and BUILT II.

A BUILT must:

1. Complete all lesson assignments given by the BUILT instructor.
2. Complete activity specialty requirements.

A participant must meet the following qualifications:

1. Must be 16 years old or have finished 10th grade.
2. Must have completed at least one week as a Cherith camper.  (Exception: special recommendation to camp director.)
3. Must display the following traits:

– Vital Christian testimony
– Leadership ability
– Willingness to learn
– Cooperation
– Dependability
– Responsibility

4. Must be interested in working with children.

Other Camp Work Opportunities

I made friends for life in my CILT class and graduated feeling like I could do just about anything!”


On-site work opportunities are available to campers who will be age 13 or older by August 31. These jobs offer a chance to gain experience as Kitchen Aides (boys only), Corral Aides and Sweat and Serve. Participants receive a reduced camp fee. Indicate your interest when you register.

Sweat & Serve is for girls who will be 13 or older by August 31 boys who will be age 14 or older by August 31 and will show campers that work can be fun and rewarding.  Sweat & Serve includes quality leadership training, participation in one skill-based activity, daily cabin times, Bible studies, lessons in servanthood, as well as participation in cabin cookout and all-camp game. Sweat and Serve campers will learn new skills through setting tables, washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms and showers, as well as other basic maintenance projects. Accompanied by a counselor these girls will learn to have a servant’s heart and build strong leadership skills


I enjoyed working in the kitchen with the cooks. It was a way to serve, plus I was able to pay part of my way.

Camper Leadership