Campers who serve as a corral aid receive a $90 discount on their camp tuition. Corral aides should be interested in working with horses. Corral aide campers will be in a regular cabin group, but will add corral aide work duties to their daily schedule. Corral aides will arrive at the corral at 6:15 in the morning to help catch the horses, bring them to the stable, assist with feeding and watering, and may assist with saddling and grooming. They will help with scooping poop and with other general barn chores as needed and will be done with chores sometime before breakfast. Shikari and Explorer aged campers (age 13 or older by August 31) are eligible to be corral aides.

Corral aides will then return to the corral for 30-60 minutes of their free time (as assigned by horse staff) to assist with scooping horse poop and with other general barn chores and may be asked to help with free time horse activities as needed.

Corral aides may also register and pay for a horsemanship class as a part of their activity schedule.

Campers who register to be a corral aide will be contacted by our horse coordinator, Julie Hendrickson, to talk about the corral aide program and to make sure it is a good fit for the camper. Contact our horse coordinator Julie at 507-402-6639 or with any questions.

Corral Aide–Camper Work Opportunity