Cherith Chatter: Read all about it!

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Did you know there are 6 Cherith camps in North America? 
This summer after camp, my family and I were blessed to road trip and visit Camp Cherith-Ontario and Western New York Camp Cherith. It was such a unique and wonderful experience to see the unity our camps all share even though we are separated by so many miles and don’t spend all that much time collaborating on programming.  So many similar songs, traditions, activities, and definitely the same philosophy of Christ in every phase of life.

A few fun things about each camp:
– Ontario has a wonderful rec hall with basketball hoops, foosball, a bouldering wall, and inside chapel area.  The camp sits above a river which adds a fun element for canoeing and kayaking activities.  We hiked an “ancient” Native American trail connected to the camp’s property. They also offer mountain biking as an activity and have a wonderful trail system throughout their property.

– Western New York overlooks a beautiful pond.  They offer adventure climbing as an activity where you can tree climb using a system to ascend ropes up into the tree limbs.  They also have an iconic oak tree that campers can play on and climb.  The tree’s limbs spann some 60-70 feet and it’s biggest branches almost rested on the ground!

Visiting these camps highlighted the significance of our summer’s theme “The Greater Story.”

It’s such a “wow factor” for me knowing that Cherith camps were started years ago by young people who had a desire to reach others for the Lord and that their work is still bearing fruit for God’s Kingdom.

Too bad all of our camping seasons are all happening at the same time each summer.  It would be fun to do some camp hopping while camp is in session!

Mooch (Sarah Ann Glewwe, former North Central Camp Cherith’s Girls Director)


Did you know that the Camp Cherith bell was stolen 35 years ago? And in the summer of 2017 it was returned anonymously?
Read more about this from someone directly involved….quite a story!! Click here to read the letter about Camp Cherith bell
