The name Cherith came from the name of the brook the Lord sent the prophet Elijah to for spiritual refreshment (1 Kings 17:1-6).
Minnesota Camp Cherith started in 1947 as camping program for Pioneer Girls.
1957 – 1972
Camp was held in various locations, including Head of the Rapids in St. Croix Park (1957 – 1972).
In 1954, the Counselor in Training program (now Camper in Leadership Training or CILT) was started. Many of our staff and camp directors through the years began their leadership training in this program.
Since 1957, Camp Cherith has maintained rigorous accreditation standards through the American Camping Association (ACA). Accreditation is also maintained through Pioneer Clubs.
Our current site in Frazee, Minnesota, was purchased in 1968.
Minnesota Camp Cherith became North Central Camp Cherith in 1973 since many campers also come from surrounding states.
A boys’ week was added in 1985 when Pioneer Girls became Pioneer Clubs for girls and boys.