Volunteers are the foundation of North Central Camp Cherith! From the Board of Directors, committee work, one-time event/project work, promoting camp at churches and events, praying, to coming up to camp in a one week position, volunteers bring gifts and life to all aspects of camp! There are many wonderful opportunities for you to be involved in a ministry that impacts campers for life, as well as using your specific talents and gifts to bring glory to God!
Click here for our project list and volunteer for a project!
Whether you’re interested in doing a one-time project or becoming a member of a specific team, or want to spend a week at summer camp – we’d love to talk with you!
Come up to camp for a week! Summer camp volunteer positions include kitchen assistants, tuck shop managers, teaching activities, maintenance help, and more. Volunteers receive free lodging and food, and a $125 camper credit to designate toward the camp fees for a camper of their choice.
Here’s a quote from a long time one week summer volunteer Beth Davis Salonek:
In 2008, I started coming to NCCC as a volunteer during girls week #4. There were many opportunities to serve including the office. I was definitely qualified for that, but was looking for a change of pace from my ‘Corporate America’ day job. I thought the kitchen sounds like fun! Now 10 years later I wait anxiously each year just like the kids to go back to camp. Why? It is fun! Yes, it is a LOT of work, but a TON of fun. It’s not every day you can say you made 300 pancakes from scratch! Often my sister in-law from California has joined me in the kitchen to share the laughs.The friendships I have formed via this experience are invaluable. It is not only an opportunity to serve, but an opportunity be a part of a large family of fellow believers.
For More Information on Summer Camp Volunteering:
Fill out this short form and we’ll contact you
Contact our Executive Director at 612-615-5842 or info@camp-cherith.com